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OFSTED Details

A summary of our Ofsted reports

Read the quotes below for a very quick snapshot of the feedback we’ve received.

“Children are collected from their classroom, or they make their own way to the club. They arrive happily and eagerly engage with each other. Older children play well with younger children.

Children’s social and emotional development is supported well. Staff know about the children they look after and if they need any additional support.”

Pippa Clark, Inspector

St Joseph’s, June 2022

“Staff work well together to ensure children feel safe and settled when attending the club. This contributes to children feeling secure and supports their emotional well-being”

Children are very happy, safe and well cared for by the attentive staff..

Maura Pigram, Inspector

Lindfield, July 2022

Staff are attentive to the children and readily implement their ideas into the activities provided.”

“Children’s self-esteem is frequently promoted. For example, staff consistently praise them for their achievements, such as helping to tidy up after their creative activities.

Maura Pigram, Inspector

West Hove Infants, School Road, March 2023

“Children know what they like to do and make choices about where and what to play with.

Activities are planned to match their interests or suggestions put in
the club’s suggestion box. Children are constantly engaged in play.”

Sue Suleyman, Inspector

Swiss Gardens, December 2022

“All children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, are warmly welcomed as they arrive at this club. Children know the routines and quickly settle. Staff show genuine interest and encourage meaningful conversations.

Sue Suleyman, Inspector

St Wilfrid's, June 2022

“Staff welcome children to the afterschool club. They chat to children as they settle into their activities. Children feel safe, secure, and confident.

Staff model good behaviour and are kind and considerate. Children’s behaviour is also excellent.”

“Children and staff have strong bonds, which enables children to talk freely about things that interest them. As a result, children feel valued and listened to.  

Penny Smith, Inspector

Fairlight, March 2023

“Children clearly enjoy their time at the out-of-school provision. They run over to their friends and hug them and cheerily greet the staff at the door.”

“Children and staff have strong bonds, which enables children to talk freely about things that interest them. As a result, children feel valued and listened to.  

Tina Lambert, Inspector

Stanford Club, February 2023

“Children arrive happily and settle in quickly. Staff greet the children warmly, and children are excited to see them and to share news about their day. Children have access to a range of resources and games to play with.




Joanne Allen, Inspector

Halsford Park, July 2022

“The manager and staff create a space which is safe and stimulating. They plan activities based around the children’s interests and preferences to extend children’s skills and knowledge.

Staff enjoy being with the children and know them well. They describe how children become more confident and capable while they are at the after-school club.

Alison Martin, Inspector

Balfour, February 2023

“Children form good relationships with each other, the manager, and the staff, who are kind and attentive.”

“Staff play and interact with children very well. Children enthusiastically share their ideas with the manager and staff as they play. Staff listen to children’s views and ideas and take these into account when planning future activities.

Oshra Murphy, Inspector

Southover, February 2023

“Staff know the children that they care for well. They identify when children may need additional support and make adaptations to ensure that all children are included.”



Jade Orosz, Inspector

Burgess Hill Club, October 2022

Children enjoy their time at the club. They develop strong relationships with other children who attend. Children look forward to the sociable mealtimes where they chat with one another and staff about the  activities they have enjoyed. Younger children sit with older  children, who nurture them exceptionally well.”



Tina Lambert, Inspector

Harlands Club, June 2022

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